First of all, thanks you guys who working of DXR. It is my major tool for 
studying the Gecko code base and it helps a lot.
I would like to have DXR lists all the implementation of a virtual function. 
This is quite handy when you are studying an interface which has more than one 
level of inheritance hierarchy.

Best Regards,
Shih-Chiang Chien
Mozilla Taiwan

On Oct 26, 2013, at 3:25 AM, Zack Weinberg <> wrote:

> On 2013-10-25 11:10 AM, Ehsan Akhgari wrote:
>> On 2013-10-25 10:45 AM, Erik Rose wrote:
>>> ... would it be better, from your point of view, to
>>> index the generated files or to magically turn up the IDL line
>>> "attribute short foo" when you search for "function:GetFoo" or
>>> "function:SetFoo"? (I'm not sure both are feasible; I just want to get
>>> an early read.)
>> The latter is better in my opinion!
> If I can have only one, I agree the latter is better -- but I want to mention 
> that sometimes I've needed to see what the I(P)DL compiler has produced from 
> a particular definition file in order to fix a bug.  For instance, a few 
> years ago -- this may have been fixed since -- there were many gaps in the 
> documentation of what C++ types corresponded to IDL types and vice versa, so 
> one had to look at all three of the IDL, the generated .h, and the 
> hand-written .cpp that expected to implement an interface to understand what 
> was *really* going on.
> So, if you can make DXR do both, that would be better.  (With a clear 
> indication that certain files are generated, and where the real source is, if 
> at all possible.)
> zw
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