> Better python support. For example, the function name parameter doesn't work 
> with ext: .py
> http://dxr.mozilla.org/mozilla-central/search?q=function%3Astart%20ext%3A.py 
> <-- no results
> http://dxr.mozilla.org/mozilla-central/search?q=%22def%20start%22%20ext%3A.py 
> <-- results

To clarify, it's not the ext:.py that throws it off; it's just that DXR's 
indexer doesn't understand Python code at all right now. Picking functions, 
vars, etc. out of JS and Python are things I'd like to work on in the future. I 
was surprised to see how little they came up in this thread, but I suppose 
trees and UI niggles are more bothersome right now. After all, if the code you 
want to search isn't there, you don't have much recourse. :-) Until then, 
searching for "def foo" is a pretty decent workaround. In fact, any static 
analysis of Python, no matter how fancy, will have trouble going much beyond 
that given the dynamicity of the language. However, I have high hopes for 
making probabilistic call graphs accurate enough to be useful.

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