On Thursday, October 17, 2013 4:48:16 PM UTC+2, Josh Aas wrote:
> This is the discussion thread for the Mozilla Research blog post entitled 
> "Studying Lossy Image Compression Efficiency", and the related study.

Thank you for publishing this research!

While I like the methodology used a lot, I find the image sample used extremely 
small to accurately represent images on today's Web (or tomorrow's Web for that 

I understand that one of the reasons you used artificial benchmarks instead of 
real-life Web images is to avoid the bias of images that already went through 
JPEG compression.

Would you consider a large sample of lossless Web images (real-life images 
served as PNG24, even though it'd be wiser to serve them as JPEGs) to be 
unbiased enough to run this research against? I believe such a sample would 
better represent Web images.
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