On Thu, Aug 08, 2013 at 08:15:29PM -0700, Brian Smith wrote:
> On Thu, Aug 8, 2013 at 3:57 PM, Ehsan Akhgari <ehsan.akhg...@gmail.com>wrote:
> > On 2013-08-08 11:34 AM, Brian Smith wrote:
> >
> >> My position is that we should fix STLPort's implementation
> >> for GCC 4.4 ARM Linux (maybe just backport a fixed version) and use
> >> std::type_traits everywhere.
> >>
> >> Now that I know we can modify our STLport as needed, I do agree that it
> > is preferred to fix that and use std::type_traits instead.  At that time, I
> > did not have that knowledge.  And we want to move on from gcc 4.4. for
> > other reasons anyway, so perhaps there isn't anything that we disagree on.
> Great. I actually didn't know about the STLPort stuff either when this
> conversation started.
> One final thing: Will an upgrade from GCC 4.4 to GCC 4.7 reduce or
> eliminate the need for us to use STLPort? Is there any documentation on
> what causes us to depend on STLPort? My guess is that soon STLPort, and not
> GCC or clang or MSVC limitations, is what is going to be slowing us down,
> so perhaps we should have a plan for getting rid of the need for it.

Building with libstdc++ on android simply doesn't work at the moment. It
also used to produce significantly bigger packages when it used to work.

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