On Wed, Aug 7, 2013 at 6:47 PM, Ehsan Akhgari <ehsan.akhg...@gmail.com>wrote:

> (Sorry for the late reply, please blame it on Canadian statutory holidays,
> and my birthday date!)

Happy birthday!

On Fri, Aug 2, 2013 at 11:09 PM, Brian Smith <br...@briansmith.org> wrote:
>> 1. It avoids a phase of mass rewrites s/mozilla:Whatever/std::whatever/.
>> (See below).
>> 2. It is reasonable to expect that std::whatever works as the C++
>> standard says it should. It isn't reasonable to expect mozilla::Whatever to
>> work exactly like std::whatever. And, often, mozilla::Whatever isn't
>> actually the same as std::whatever.
> As Jeff mentioned, I think it's more important that we expect developers
> to read and believe the documentation where it exists.  The MFBT code is
> very well documented, and the documentation is usually in sync with the
> implementation.  That is already a huge improvement over the newer std::*
> stuff.  std::auto_ptr is perhaps the biggest example of people not reading
> documentation about std::* stuff.  ;-)

Still, all things being equal, it is better to help developers use std::*
instead of inventing something new, because it is likely (and increasingly
more likely) that they already know how std::* works. (I note that you also
made this point below.)

> But more importantly, as others mentioned, the fact that something lives
> in the std namespace doesn't mean that it adheres to the C++ standard.  So
> it seems to me like you're assuming that code living in the std namespace
> is bug free, but that's not true.  And when something lives in the std
> namespace, fixing it is very difficult.

I agree it is very difficult to deal with bugs in standard libraries.
Finding a bug in the implementation of std::whatever in a compiler/stdlib
we can't upgrade is a good reason to create mozilla::Whatever. Worrying,
ahead of time, that std::whatever might maybe have a bug in some
implementation, isn't a good reason to create mozilla::Whatever. YAGNI.

> But for whatever it's worth, I think that in general, for the std
> replacement code living in MFBT, it's best for us to try really hard to
> match the C++ standard where it makes sense.  We sometimes go through a
> crazy amount of pain to do that (see my patch in bug 802806 as an
> example!).  But if something doesn't make sense in the C++ standard or is
> not fit for our needs, we should do the right thing, depending on the case
> at hand.


> But then again I don't find this argument very convincing in this
> particular case.  I hope that this discussion has provided some good
> reasons why implementing out mozilla::Whatever sometimes makes sense.  And
> later on when we decide to switch to std::whatever, I'd consider such a
> rewrite a net win because it makes our code easier to approach by people
> familiar with std::whatever.

My argument is not that we should avoid creating mozilla::Whatever at all
costs. My argument is that we should prefer upgrading compilers and/or just
add/backport something to STLPort to writing new code in MFBT that is the
same-but-different than what the standard C++ library provides. Obviously,
if there is a major benefit to having our own thing, then we should do so.
(I already gave the example of mozilla/Atomics.h.)

> About the mozilla-build sed issue, that is really really
> surprising/disappointing -- I'd have expected that we ship GNU sed there?
> Even bsd sed on Mac supports -i.  Please file a bug about this with more
> details.

https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=373784 (reported 2007-03-13).

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