On Fri, Aug 9, 2013 at 9:29 AM, K. Gadd <k...@luminance.org> wrote:

> Consider this my +1 in favor of a dedicated .colorMatrix attribute,

Good, then I'll expect you to back me up in WHATWG with usecases :-).

> preferably in the form of a Uint8Array or Float32Array instead of another
> *!@$ string.

Using an array for an attribute is problematic due to liveness issues.

heycam, what's the WebIDL-friendliest way to have an array-valued
attribute-like thing? Just getter and setter methods?

SVG color matrices provide a superset of some very important rendering
> operations that show up a lot in game rendering. Right now to emulate them
> in canvas I have to use the CPU to split a source image into four 'channel'
> images and blend them iteratively to the canvas in additive mode in order
> to approximate the most common one (GL_MULTIPLY, effectively)

Doesn't GL_MULTIPLY multiply color values in the source by color values in
the destination? The colormatrix feature we're talking about can't do that.

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