On Tuesday, July 9, 2013 6:49:20 PM UTC-7, Boris Zbarsky wrote:
> On 7/9/13 6:11 PM, brendan wrote:
> > I've said this before, not sure it's written in wiki-stone, maybe it should 
> > be: if you get a review request, respond same-day either with the actual 
> > review, or an ETA or promise to review by a certain date.
> Again, this is not viable during vacations/weekends...  Unless by "get" 
> you mean "get the mail" as opposed to "have it appear in your queue".

Yes, that's what I meant. How else could one respond within a day?

> > People may need reminding or nagging but that should be the exception. It 
> > sounds like it isn't exceptional, or rare enough.
> Indeed.

Ok. Does this need to go on wiki.m.o or MDN somewhere (not that it would help 
those who don't read the updated pages)? Should I use a bigger bully pulpit?

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