On 6/26/13 7:06 PM, Andrew Sutherland wrote:

d) Change xpconnect to use jsnativestack.cpp's ability to tell us what the platform stack size actually is and/or nsThread's knowledge of the stack size it was created with. So on linux we'd use whatever 'ulimit -s' is telling us to do, etc.
The JS stack limit should be basically the native stack limit minus a little bit of headroom (maybe 512 bytes?). Whether we implement that dynamically or just use ifdefs to hardcode the "correct" values seems like just an implementation question.

Unless I misunderstand the questions and you're saying that the "inconsistency" in *native* stack size is part of the problem, in which case I think we need to understand why any production code would be getting particular close to any of the native thread size stack limits.


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