For B2G's gaia repository we are currently using xpcshell[1] as our command line JS runner. I was noticing some horrible inconsistencies in terms of blowing the JS stack when we were trying to use the esprima JS parser[2] that varied by the platform and build type.

The nutshell is that the #defines at net us the following JS stack limits. (These are the limits when the JS engine starts throwing "InternalError: too much recursion" and are somewhat separate from actual native stack limits.)

linux (32 bit, non-debug): 512 KiB
windows (all builds): 900 KiB [3]
linux (32 bit, debug): 1 MiB
linux (64 bit, non-debug): 1 MiB
linux (64-bit, debug): 2 MiB
OS X (all): 7 MiB

For gaia's purposes, this inconsistency is not great. How should we resolve this?

a) Make xpcshell try and pick more consistent values itself

b) Make xpcshell take a command line argument and call JS_SetNativeStackQuota plus doing whatever it needs to back that up with an appropriate platform stack (possibly by re-exec()ing). (Similar to node.js supporting --stack_size which defaults to 984 for me right now.)

c) Change xpconnect's hard-coded defaults

d) Change xpconnect to use jsnativestack.cpp's ability to tell us what the platform stack size actually is and/or nsThread's knowledge of the stack size it was created with. So on linux we'd use whatever 'ulimit -s' is telling us to do, etc.

e) Don't use xpcshell for that!  Are you crazy?!

f) Other


1: Although in the future this might end up just being any xulrunner "-app" capable build. 2: Since the esprima JS parser produces a parse-tree that's supposed to confirm to what SpiderMonkey's Reflect API produces, we do have a work-around, but I expect this stack issue to come up again in the future. 3: The windows limit could be higher by its current rationale; increased the windows stack to 2 MiB from 1MiB.
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