On Wed, May 15, 2013 at 11:36:01AM -0700, Chris Peterson wrote:
> On 5/15/13 2:42 AM, Mike Hommey wrote:
> >Following this, we're going to switch all Linux builds to gcc 4.7, later
> >this week.
> Android NDK r8e also includes gcc 4.7. We may want to investigate
> updating to gcc 4.7 on Android, too.

We use stripped down ndks in tooltool that only contain one toolchain
because of size concerns, however upgrading to gcc 4.7 on android
shouldn't be hard.  You can generate an appropriate ndk  with the script
in bug 859984 then get that uploaded by releng and you should be good to
try gcc 4.7 on  try and when you're ready change the mozconfigs in the
tree.  Doing that's on my list of things to do, but I don't mind if
someone else does it first.


> chris
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