
With the increasing number of reports of local builds for Linux and
Android hitting the 32-bits address space limits when linking, and with
the fact that gcc 4.7 on try does hit that limit on PGO builds, it has
become necessary to switch the 32-bits Linux and Android builds to
64-bits environments and toolchains.

This switch is going to happen some time today (May 15).

In practice, this doesn't change much of anything, since the 64-bits
toolchain just happily builds 32-bits binaries. However, since the
Android NDK currently in use (r8c) doesn't have a 64-bits toolchain,
we'll also switch to NDK r8e.

We also arranged things such that pushing to try should work as long as
the patch for bug 864262 is applied, which is the case on most branches
tips, including aurora, beta, release and esr17. For Android, the
previous 32-bits toolchain will be used if pushing branches without bug
859984 applied, which isn't a problem, as we made the 32-bits NDK
available in the 64-bits environments.

Following this, we're going to switch all Linux builds to gcc 4.7, later
this week.


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