On Friday, May 10, 2013 7:53:01 PM UTC-3, Benjamin Smedberg wrote:
> I'm not sure about the rest of this question. But you should not be 
> performing any I/O after profile-before-change. See 
> https://wiki.mozilla.org/XPCOM_Shutdown and note that after 
> profile-before-change, we are working on immediately exiting the browser 
> and skipping XPCOM shutdown. xpcom-shutdown is definitely too late!

Okay. The code i'm touching does that on xpcom-shutdown but since it'll be 
wrong in the future I'll change it while I'm there. (it finishes some pending 
async sqlite stmts and rolls back any ongoing transactions).

What prompted the question is that I'm working on a conversion from SQLite 
storage to a JSON file. OS.File.writeAtomic provides a good guarantee of data 
consistency against crashes etc, and I'm now looking how to guarantee a proper 
full flush of the data to disk during shutdown.

Should profile-before-change then be my call to stop accepting changes to the 
data and call writeAtomic to flush it? I've seen some code nearby doing it at 
quit-application-granted. Or perhaps there's no "correct" answer and it varies 
case by case (or anything goes that works and is early enough..)
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