On 5/10/13 10:45 PM, Felipe Gomes wrote:
> Hi, does OS.File guarantees that write tasks that have started will be 
> completed if a shutdown occurs? My use case is for writeAtomic but I'm 
> interested about the behavior of both write and writeAtomic.
> Corner case: what if I call write/writeAtomic from an xpcom-shutdown observer?

In theory:
- every call to OS.File queued *before* xpcom-shutdown will be completed;
- every call to OS.File queued after xpcom-sthudown will throw an
asynchronous exception (once bug 845190 has landed).

Note, however, that this has not been thoroughly tested yet.

> Another question: are the write tasks queued and completed in order, or can 
> two writeAtomic calls to the same file race each other and the 2nd call 
> finish first (only to have the 1st call finish and write older data)

All tasks to OS.File are queued and completed in order.


David Rajchenbach-Teller, PhD
 Performance Team, Mozilla
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