> Would we be able to go back to where we disabled 10.7 altogether?

On m-i and try only, or everywhere?

On Fri, Apr 26, 2013 at 12:10 PM, Armen Zambrano G. <arme...@mozilla.com> wrote:
> Just disabling debug and talos jobs for 10.7 should reduce more than 50% of
> the load on 10.7. That might be sufficient for now.
> Any objections on this plan?
> We can re-visit later on if we need more disabled.
> cheers,
> Armen
> On 2013-04-26 11:50 AM, Armen Zambrano G. wrote:
>> Would we be able to go back to where we disabled 10.7 altogether?
>> Product (Asa in separate thread) and release drivers (Akeybl) were OK to
>> the compromise of version specific test coverage being removed completely.
>> Side note: adding Mac PGO would increase the build load (Besides this we
>> have to do a large PO as we expect Mac wait times to be showing up as
>> general load increases).
>> Not all reducing load approaches are easy to implement (due to the way
>> that buildbot is designed) and it does not ensure that we would reduce
>> it enough. It's expensive enough to support 3 different versions of Mac
>> as is without bringing 10.9 into the table. We have to cut things at
>> times.
>> One compromise that would be easy to implement and *might* reduce the
>> load is to disable all debug jobs for 10.7.
>> cheers,
>> Armen
>> On 2013-04-26 11:29 AM, Justin Lebar wrote:
>>> As a compromise, how hard would it be to run the Mac 10.6 and 10.7
>>> tests on m-i occasionally, like we run the PGO tests?  (Maybe we could
>>> trigger them on the same csets as we run PGO; it seems like that would
>>> be useful.)
>>> On Fri, Apr 26, 2013 at 11:19 AM, Ryan VanderMeulen <rya...@gmail.com>
>>> wrote:
>>>> On 4/26/2013 11:11 AM, Justin Lebar wrote:
>>>>>> So what we're saying is that we are going to completely reverse our
>>>>>> previous tree management policy?
>>>>> Basically, yes.
>>>>> Although, due to coalescing, do you always have a full run of tests on
>>>>> the tip of m-i before merging to m-c?
>>>> Yes. Note that we generally aren't merging inbound tip to m-c - we're
>>>> taking
>>>> a known-green cset (including PGO tests).
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