Hello all,
I would like to re-visit this.

I would like to look into stop running tests and talos for 10.7 and
re-purpose those machines as 10.6 machines.
* We have many more users on 10.6 than on 10.7.
* No new updates have been given to 10.6 since July 2011 [1]
* No new updates have been given to 10.7 since October, 2012 [2]

This will improve our current Mac OSX testing wait times.

On another note, 10.9 has come out and I already started seeing a decent
dip on 10.8 users (since it is a free update).

On another note, I would like to consider stop running jobs on 10.8 and
only run them on 10.9 once we have the infrastructure up and running.


[1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mac_OS_X_Snow_Leopard#Release_history
[2] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mac_OS_X_Lion#Release_history

On 2013-04-25 1:30 PM, Armen Zambrano G. wrote:
> (please follow up through mozilla.dev.planning)
> Hello all,
> I have recently been looking into our Mac OS X test wait times which
> have been bad for many months and progressively getting worst.
> Less than 80% of test jobs on OS X 10.6 and 10.7 are able to start
> within 15 minutes of being requested.
> This slows down getting tests results for OS X and makes tree closures
> longer if we have Mac OS X test back logs.
> Unfortunately, we can't buy any more revision 4 Mac minis (they're not
> sold anymore) as Apple discontinues old hardware as new ones comes out.
> In order to improve the turnaround time for Mac testing, we have to look
> into reducing our test load in one of these two OSes (both of them run
> on revision 4 minis).
> We have over a third of our OS X users running 10.6. Eventually, down
> the road, we could drop 10.6 but we still have a significant amount of
> our users there; even though Mac stopped serving them major updates
> since July 2011 [1].
> Our current Mac OS X distribution looks like this:
> * 10.6 - 43%
> * 10.7 - 30%
> * 10.8 - 27%
> OS X 10.8 is the only version that is growing.
> In order to improve our wait times, I propose that we stop testing on
> tbpl per-checkin [2] on OS X 10.7 and re-purpose the 10.7 machines as
> 10.6 to increase our capacity.
> Please let us know if this plan is unacceptable and needs further
> discussion.
> best regards,
> Armen Zambrano - Mozilla's Release Engineering

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