On 2013-04-25 1:40 PM, Andreas Gal wrote:>
> How many 10.7 machines do we operate in that pool?
> Andreas
84 of them are 10.6
86 of them are 10.7
Unfortunately, we have a lot of them down (maybe a dozen) trying to fix
them (broken hard drives, bad memory, NIC). They don't have warranty.
On 2013-04-25 1:55 PM, Justin Lebar wrote:
It would be nice if we had data indicating how often tests fail on
just one version of MacOS, so we didn't have guess how useful having
10.6, 10.7, and 10.8 tests are. That's bug 860870. It's currently
blocked on treeherder, but maybe it should be re-prioritized, since we
keep running into cases where this data would be helpful.
It would be nice indeed.
Anyway, disabling the 10.7 tests sounds reasonable to me given no
data, but maybe we continue running these tests on m-c? Maybe we also
deprecate the 10.7 tests on tryserver, so you only get the tests if
you really really want them?
We could come to the compromise of running them on m-c, m-a, m-b and
m-r. Only this would help a lot since most of the load comes from m-i
and try. We could make it a non-by-default platform on try.
I assume that the wait times for 10.6 should be good enough but we
should be willing to revisit later down the road if they get bad again.
We can start with decreasing the load and visit again down the road.
Sounds good?
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