(please follow up through mozilla.dev.planning)

Hello all,
I have recently been looking into our Mac OS X test wait times which have been bad for many months and progressively getting worst.
Less than 80% of test jobs on OS X 10.6 and 10.7 are able to start
within 15 minutes of being requested.
This slows down getting tests results for OS X and makes tree closures longer if we have Mac OS X test back logs. Unfortunately, we can't buy any more revision 4 Mac minis (they're not sold anymore) as Apple discontinues old hardware as new ones comes out.

In order to improve the turnaround time for Mac testing, we have to look into reducing our test load in one of these two OSes (both of them run on revision 4 minis). We have over a third of our OS X users running 10.6. Eventually, down the road, we could drop 10.6 but we still have a significant amount of our users there; even though Mac stopped serving them major updates since July 2011 [1].

Our current Mac OS X distribution looks like this:
* 10.6 - 43%
* 10.7 - 30%
* 10.8 - 27%
OS X 10.8 is the only version that is growing.

In order to improve our wait times, I propose that we stop testing on tbpl per-checkin [2] on OS X 10.7 and re-purpose the 10.7 machines as 10.6 to increase our capacity.

Please let us know if this plan is unacceptable and needs further discussion.

best regards,
Armen Zambrano - Mozilla's Release Engineering
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