On Tue, Mar 5, 2013 at 11:08 AM, Johnathan Nightingale

> Our market research tells us that most people on the web have Firefox
> installed - so the fight on desktop isn't over users, per se, it's over
> usage. I believe (intuition, not data) that busted sites are very much a
> thing that pushes those users to launch another browser.

This makes sense in terms of |if (Components)| browser detection. But if a
site is grabbing interface constants off of nsIDOMFoo interfaces, it seems
very unlikely that said site would work in another browser. The other
problem with shimming in interface constants is that we don't know which
interfaces to do it for (though we can take an educated guess and do it for
XHR and a few others).

That being said, if we don't mind just guessing about the interfaces to
shim, Benjamin's suggestion sounds easy enough if there's a place we can
put it. Is there some global JS file somewhere that gets injected into
every content scope? If so, I'd be fine to stick something like what he
suggested in there.

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