On Mar 5, 2013, at 1:43 PM, Bobby Holley wrote:
>> I definitely think that we should have some backwards compat shim in place
>> for quite some time and evangelize heavily in the mean time, and hopefully
>> one day we will be able to completely remove those shims... :/
> I don't really have faith in our ability to "evangelize heavily" on this
> issue (outside of what we've already done) without flipping the switch.
> This is why I want to ship it, figure out which sites are broken, and only
> put in shims if we encounter breakage that can't be easily fixed by telling
> the relevant web authors to fix their site.

Our market research tells us that most people on the web have Firefox installed 
- so the fight on desktop isn't over users, per se, it's over usage. I believe 
(intuition, not data) that busted sites are very much a thing that pushes those 
users to launch another browser. Each time they do, there's some <100% chance 
that we get them back. I know that the precautionary principle can be paralytic 
but, in the absence of a significant win, I agree with Ehsan and Benjamin here 
that I'd much rather shim this than "see what breaks."


Johnathan Nightingale
VP Firefox Engineering

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