Hey Mike,

----- Original Message -----
> From: "Mike Habicher" <mi...@mozilla.com>
> To: dev-platform@lists.mozilla.org
> Sent: Thursday, February 21, 2013 7:21:09 AM
> Subject: Re: Please upgrade to at least Mercurial 2.5.1
> On 13-02-21 08:41 AM, Justin Lebar wrote:
> >> Can guidance be
> >> provided as to where to get such things for commonly-run versions
> >> of Linux?
> > It's also easy to install hg using pip or easy_install.  You can
> > get
> > either of these tools using your distro's package manager.
> > (easy_install is usually called python-setuptools or something like
> > that.)  I think pip is the preferred method these days.
> I'm running Ubuntu 12.10 x86_64 and there don't seem to be packages
> for
> either pip or easy_install.  (And mercurial is back at 2.2.1.)

I'm running 64-bit Linux Mint 14, which is based on Ubuntu 12.10. I did the 

sudo apt-get install python-setuptools python-dev build-essential
sudo easy_install -U mercurial

and it downloaded and installed 2.5.1

Dave Hylands
dev-platform mailing list

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