On Wed, Feb 20, 2013 at 7:04 PM, Kyle Huey <m...@kylehuey.com> wrote:
> I have no idea what phases are.

A sort of useful, sort of annoying Mercurial feature.  Run |hg help
phase| in a sufficiently recent version for details.


ps:  when you update to a version that supports phases, the first time
you use the try server in conjunction with mq you'll get problems.
The following stuff in your .hgrc file can help a lot -- so long as
you remember to push to try server with |hg try| instead of |hg push
-f ssh://hg.mozilla.org/try|.

try = push -f ssh://hg.mozilla.org/try

# This undoes the phasing that happens when pushing to try.
post-try = hg phase --force --draft "mq()"
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