That's a good point.  The plan is to finish the layers refactoring landing by 
the week of March 18th.  I didn't realize that anybody was looking at OMT 
painting right now.  This was identified as something that needs to be done, 
together with OMT texture updates, removal of non-OMT code, etc., but it wasn't 
flagged as now, mostly because we didn't know anybody was actually available.  
Matt is also part of the layers refactoring effort, so there may not be a 
conflict after all.

The reason I brought this up is because there were already concerns voiced 
about the complexity of the layers refactoring patch(es), but it was meant as a 
question.  If people are not worried about this, I'm happy.

Streaming buffers are in line before the layers refactoring, we want to make 
sure that lands first.


On 2013-02-12, at 11:50 AM, Andreas Gal <> wrote:

> On Feb 12, 2013, at 9:50 AM, Milan Sreckovic <> wrote:
>> I think we need a stronger statement than "worthwhile" in this:
>> It would be worthwhile to wait for the Layers refactoring to be completed to 
>> avoid too many conflicts.
>> when it comes to actually landing code.  Something like "we should" or even 
>> "we must" comes to mind :-)  That doesn't preclude conversations, design, 
>> etc., we just can't afford to delay the layers refactoring.
> I am a little concerned that we are putting so many things on hold for the 
> refactoring. Do we have a somewhat established schedule for that now, or is 
> the timing still fairly open-ended? Is there any chance that we can start 
> landing some parts of it incrementally?
> Andreas
>> Milan
>> On 2013-02-12, at 2:21 AM, Matt Woodrow <> wrote:
>>> Hi All
>>> As an effort to improve both performance and responsiveness of the browser, 
>>> we are planning on moving painting to happen on a separate thread.
>>> My initial draft plan to do this can be found here: 
>>> Some of the details still need to be worked out, in particular coordinating 
>>> with other platform teams to make sure everything we need is available off 
>>> the main thread.
>>> Please let me know if you have an queries, input or want to be involved.
>>> - Matt
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