I agree in part with the assertion about testing - that the existing
reftests will catch most regressions stemming from this. But I think we
also need some measurements around scrolling/responsiveness in order to
verify that off main thread painting is giving us the wins we hope it
will give us. Part of that is knowing where we are now, and then seeing
how that measurement will change once this work lands.
We can use Eideticker for doing some of this measurement (particularly
for "blackbox" end-to-end measurements, but it would be even better if
there were some way to instrument the paint pipeline so that we could
get measurements from inside Gecko itself. If we can instrument it, we
can run those tests per-checkin on all our products. So I'd encourage
you to put a bit of thought into how you might do some light weight
instrumentation in this code so we can verify we make the gains we hope
to make here.
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