Well if print.show_print_progress = false did what I thought it should
which is to suppress
a) preview progress dialog box (and)
b) printing progress dialog box
that would suit me fine
"Zack Weinberg" <za...@panix.com> wrote in message
On 2013-02-04 9:20 AM, rvj wrote:
BTW Is there a pref that suppresses the annoying Preview Progress box ..
or least are you able to move it out of the visible display area ?
There isn't a pref, but that box is going to be replaced with something
more modern and more customizable in bug 650960. The patches are
currently stuck because of concerns about third-party applications not
being able to make use of the proposed mechanism -- your thoughts as to
what would be convenient for you would be appreciated. (Note that we want
something that can be tab- rather than window-modal in Firefox, which I
*think* means that XUL overlays are not an option.)
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