many many thanks

.. rvj

"smaug" <> wrote in message
On 02/02/2013 11:37 AM, rvj wrote:
Its been a couple of years since Ive used the Mozilla libraries and some of the functionality now seems iffy

For example  print preview requests now generate an invalid pointer error

error[Exception... "Component returned failure code: 0x80004003 (NS_ERROR_INVALID_POINTER) [nsIWebBrowserPrint.printPreview]" nsresult: "0x80004003 (NS_ERROR_INVALID_POINTER)" location: "JS frame :: chrome://testbrowser/content/proofer.xul :: previewprint :: line 119" data: no]

Tried the FAQ for print preview and along with all the other FAQ documents, they seems to be unavailable on MDN

Has the calling syntax for print preview changed ?

Is this just a general depreciation in support for application development?

The way to use print preview API changed December 2009, so if your code is older, you'll have to update. You can look at the use of printPreview method in mxr. The basic idea is that you have original docshell and its document and call
print preview so that the document gets cloned to another docshell. has some more information.


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