I haven't been maintaining it for the past few releases because there were too 
many instances of developers continuing to assume that mac == cocoa == bundled 
app.  With every release, there seemed to be more such bugs introduced than 
were fixed, and the patch-set grew too unwieldy.  If someone else is interested 
in co-maintaining it, I'd be willing to assist, but the tide was just too much 
for me to deal with alone =(

I think there are a few with bug reports filed, so I'd start by searching 
bugzilla to see which bugs I filed which are not yet closed, apply those 
changes, and just whack-a-mole.


On Jan 2, 2013, at 8:34 AM, Ted Mielczarek <t...@mielczarek.org> wrote:

> On 12/28/2012 8:52 PM, Jashank Jeremy wrote:
>> G'day,
>> I'm experimenting with building the Mozilla platform for Darwin/X11.
>> More specifically, I want my Thunderbird instance, which currently
>> happily sits in Aqua, to live in my X session.
> <...>
>> There's remarkably little documentation of this usecase, which is
>> hardly surprising considering how rare it must be.  But, are thare any
>> tips for getting at least the platform to compile and run in this
>> situation? 
> The Darwin/X11 port is maintained by Jeremy Huddleston[1] (CCed). You'd
> have to ask him about the port status.
> -Ted
> 1. https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Supported_build_configurations

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