Jonathan Kew wrote:

You shouldn't normally see a flash of fallback text unless the font is particularly slow to load; the text should be invisible until the font is available. We aim to hide the text until the font is ready, unless it takes more than a few seconds to load. (The timeout is configurable - see gfx.downloadable_fonts.fallback_delay - so if you've set it lower than the default of 3000ms, you'll see visible fallback more frequently.)

This is a debug build on a machine with an IDE disk, so it's possible it might be taking more than three seconds to load the font. I'll try tweaking the delay to see whether it helps.

Could you point us to the irksome site? If you're often seeing ASCII fallback, I wonder if there's something unusual about how it's specifying/loading the symbol font.

(The ASCII flash is irksome, the rest of the site isn't!) Here's the relevant part of (including comment! - note that they use a lot of generated content):


Icon                            Hex Entitiy         CSS Content
Pencil                          !                   content: '!';
Trash                           "              content: '\22';
Link                            #                   content: '#';
Star                            $                   content: '$';
Out                             %                   content: '%';
Magnifier                       &                   content: '&';
Photo                           '              content: '\27';
Video                           (                   content: '(';
Pencil_2                        )                   content: ')';
Brush                           *                   content: '*';
Add                             +                   content: '+';
Pacman                          ,                   content: ',';
Basket                          -                   content: '-';
Picture                         .                   content: '.';
User                            /                   content: '/';
Mail                            0                   content: '0';
Zoom In                         1                   content: '1';
Zoom Out                        2                   content: '2';
Lamp                            3                   content: '3';
Lamp_2                          4                   content: '4';
Upload                          5                   content: '5';
Down                            6                   content: '6';
Comment                         7                   content: '7';
Dice                            8                   content: '8';
Popout                          9                   content: '9';
Comment_2                       :                   content: ':';
Advertisement                   ;                   content: ';';
Left                            <                   content: '<';
Checkmark                       =                   content: '=';
Right                           >                   content: '>';
Question                        ?                   content: '?';
Loop                            @                   content: '@';
Outside                         A                   content: 'A';
Thumbs Down                     D                   content: 'D';
Ldquo                           Q                   content: 'Q';
Thumbs Up                       U                   content: 'U';
Close                           X                   content: 'X';
Up                              ^                   content: '^';
Thumbs Down_2                   d                   content: 'd';
Flag                            f                   content: 'f';
Info                            i                   content: 'i';
Rdquo                           q                   content: 'q';
Thumbs Up_2                     u                   content: 'u';


@font-face {
 font-family: 'Glyphs';
 src: url('fonts/IcoMoon.eot');
 src: url('fonts/IcoMoon.eot?#iefix') format('embedded-opentype'), 
url('fonts/IcoMoon.woff') format('woff'), url('fonts/IcoMoon.ttf') 
format('truetype'), url('fonts/IcoMoon.svg#IcoMoonRegular') format('svg');

Warning: May contain traces of nuts.
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