Fonts are loaded when used so font loading won't start until the
contents using a particular font are laid out.  With an async cycle,
this means the first layout pass will use fallback fonts and the
second layout pass will use the loaded font resources.

Using generic loop:

  Reflow ==> layout text ==> Need font? start load ==> render with fallback
  ==> font resource loads ==> Reflow ==> layout text ==> decode/activate font
  ==> render with font

With the optimization for data URLs:

  Reflow ==> layout text ==> Need font? decode/activate font
  ==> render with font

This optimization simply eliminates the extra reflow required by spinning the 
loop.  There's no atomic unit of work that's broken in two in one case
and not the other, in each case [decode/activate font] happens as part
of text rendering.

I completely agree that having different code paths is an annoyance
but the flip side is that there's a user-side impact to this
optimization, one case will flash fallback content, the other one
won't.  Pick your poison.

> 1) The behavior of Web apps may change when the address of a
> resource is changed from http: to data: or vice versa. Changing the
> data source shouldn’t fundamentally alter the code flow.

What this means in practical terms is that we should *always* show
some form of fallback content, then render again with the actual
content, simply for consistency.

Last time I looked, Webkit caches activated fonts, so the second time
the UA loads the same font (e.g. in a different document) it will be
shown immediately without fallback content first.  So there's already
other reasons why behavior is not consistent across document loads.

> 2) Stop promoting data: URL synchronicity as green / “success”

This I agree with completely, this is merely an optimization, not a


John Daggett
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