On Tue, Dec 4, 2012 at 6:15 AM, Makoto Kato <m_k...@ga2.so-net.ne.jp> wrote:
> A year ago, I investigated to replace uconv with ICU.
> Many (most is IBM code page) converters in ICU isn't compatible with uconv,
> and ICU isn't have all character set converters that we already use in
> uconv.
> If using ICU for uconv, we can remove a few table code into uconv, but not
> all.

The main problem uconv has is that its API design is wrong: It doesn’t
have a way to signal the end of the stream, so uconv fails to emit a
REPLACEMENT CHARACTER as the last character of the output if the input
ends with an incomplete multibyte sequence. (FWIW, iconv has the same
API design flaw, AFAICT.)

ICU gets the design of conversion function right, but otherwise ICU’s
converter API surface is a complete overkill. But most importantly,
ICU implements the de jure Unicode specs, IANA labels and a bunch of
encodings that aren’t needed for the Web instead of implementing
what’s Web-compatible and only what’s Web-compatible. Gecko needs
converters and label alias resolution that conforms to the Encoding
Standard (http://encoding.spec.whatwg.org/).

We already have code for Encoding Standard-compliant label handling in
the tree and uconv is being patched to be more and more Encoding
Standard-compliant where it isn’t already.

I think for encoders, decoders and encoding label handling, the end
result should be compliance with the Encoding Standard and no dead
weight in the release binaries arising from compiled-but-unused
Encoding Standard-incompliant ICU converter or label handling

(My understanding is that Chrome has a patched fork of ICU converters
in order to have characteristics that are closer to the Encoding
Standard than vanilla ICU. Hence, we shouldn’t expect to be able to
use unpatched system ICU for converters and label handling and get
right behavior. At least not without upstreaming Encoding
Standard-compliant code into ICU and waiting for it to propagate to
system libraries first.)

Henri Sivonen
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