On 11/12/2012 9:53 PM, Jeff Walden wrote:
> At the time the web server was introduced I don't believe we had
> Python as a build requirement, so we couldn't have used some
> Python-based server (the option most likely to be somehow portable
> across browsers/engines). That probably could be addressed. It'd
> require rewriting away from ^headers^ files, which do nothing more
> than let you set custom headers/status when serving a static file.
> This probably wouldn't be too hard to do. It'd also require rewriting
> a bunch of SJS files (effectively CGI scripts). That'd be much harder.
> I believe some b2g/mobile testing has found the SJS thing to reduce
> the flexibility of how they run tests, but I don't know the details. 

FYI there has been some investigation into this. The primary motivation
is that using httpd.js for mobile testing is a pain, as it requires a
host binary xpcshell, and since that's not a product of the build you
have to source it elsewhere. It also has the nice side benefit that your
test webserver is no longer tied up with the product you're testing, so
bugs in xpcshell don't have to affect serving web content for tests.


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