On Wednesday, 10 October 2012 07:18:45 UTC+2, Boris Zbarsky  wrote:
> On 10/10/12 1:13 AM, Ian Bicking wrote:
> > OK – so if I understand the objection to testharness isn't anything in
> > testharness.js itself, but that it's an incomplete solution as it doesn't
> > define an environment?
> That's _my_ primary objection, after looking at it briefly and seeing 
> how it works in practice.

Do you have a concrete suggestion for how to improve this, in a way that works 
cross-browser? AIUI (which is not very well, so please correct me if I am 
wrong), the Mozilla solution involves running a custom XPCOM-based web server, 
and thus is not very portable.

The W3C solution is basically "there exists a server with a set of known 
subdomains and the ability to run PHP". When I have wanted to write tests for 
things that require multiple origins, I have assumed that the domain from which 
the tests are being served is unknown, but that there are sure to be some 
specific subdomains. This is far from ideal, but does allow me to make tests 
that are portable across our infrastructure and the W3C infrastructure. It also 
seems like they could, in principle, be ported to other infrastructure.
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