On 11/07/2012 02:03 PM, Henri Sivonen wrote:
On Wed, Oct 10, 2012 at 10:46 AM, Aryeh Gregor <a...@aryeh.name> wrote:
That said, of course, Mozilla hackers *are* familiar with Mochitest
but not testharness.js, and adopting testharness.js in parallel with
Mochitest would require people to be familiar with both.  That is
certainly a minus.

I was told at TPAC that testharness.js has gotten/is getting a mode
where you get to make the entire file "one test" from the point of
view of testharness.js. In that case, the user experience of
testharness.js is (I'm told) isomorphic to using mochitest with
explicit finish.

There is an experimental branch with this mode in; it isn't production quality yet. I am still unsure that it's a good idea; in particular I think it encourages people to write multiple tests on the same page in such a way that if one fails the whole suite stops running. This seems very unpleasant to deal with; remember that unlike typical Mozilla tests these will not necessarily all pass in their unmodified form, and that modifying imported tests inline creates a headache when you want to merge changes.

Nevertheless I will put the current code somewhere public and let people experiment with the API.

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