Jonas Sicking wrote:
> On Thu, Oct 11, 2012 at 6:04 AM, Paul Rouget <> wrote:
> > Paul Rouget wrote:
> >> Context: in the firefox devtools, we need to track some nodes and update
> >> different "views" based on what's happening to this node (show its parents,
> >> show its child, show its attributes, …).
> >>
> >> The new Mutation observers are very helpful. But there's one thing I am not
> >> really sure how to handle correctly .
> >>
> >> When a node gets detached (parent.removeChild(node)) or reparented, I need 
> >> to
> >> be notified.
> >>
> >> My current idea is to listen to "childList" mutations from the parent,
> >> then, on this mutation, check if the node is still part of the children of
> >> the parent, if not, check if it has a parent, if so, the node has been
> >> *relocated*, then I need re-listen to a "childList" mutation from this
> >> new parent, if no parent, the node has been *detached*.
> >>
> >> I was wondering if there was any better way to do that.
> >
> > Another way to do it is to listen to subtree mutations from the 
> > documentElement,
> > and then check if the targeted node is part of the removeNodes list.
> You also would have to check if any of the the node's ancestors is
> part of the removeNodes list.

Indeed. I tested this approach yesterday, and ran into this issue.
The other option is to listen to subtree+childList on the root node,
and everytime the callback is called, check if the node is still
attached (with compareDocumentPosition)

> > Would that deteriorate the performance?
> That is obviously more work that has to be done both by the platform
> and by the webpage, so yes, it's worse performance. How much work I
> couldn't say offhand.
> It would be worth bringing this use-case to the webapps WG where
> MutationObservers are defined. Especially getting notifications when a
> node is moved in and out of a document seems like it would be worth
> having explicit notifications about.
> / Jonas
-- Paul
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