
What is your use case BTW?  when you say "update views" based on mutations,
is the goal is to let the user know what is going on? Or you actually
performing other mutations back to the DOM or logging things or creating


On Thu, Oct 11, 2012 at 4:27 PM, Jonas Sicking <jo...@sicking.cc> wrote:

> On Thu, Oct 11, 2012 at 6:04 AM, Paul Rouget <p...@mozilla.com> wrote:
> > Paul Rouget wrote:
> >> Context: in the firefox devtools, we need to track some nodes and update
> >> different "views" based on what's happening to this node (show its
> parents,
> >> show its child, show its attributes, …).
> >>
> >> The new Mutation observers are very helpful. But there's one thing I am
> not
> >> really sure how to handle correctly .
> >>
> >> When a node gets detached (parent.removeChild(node)) or reparented, I
> need to
> >> be notified.
> >>
> >> My current idea is to listen to "childList" mutations from the parent,
> >> then, on this mutation, check if the node is still part of the children
> of
> >> the parent, if not, check if it has a parent, if so, the node has been
> >> *relocated*, then I need re-listen to a "childList" mutation from this
> >> new parent, if no parent, the node has been *detached*.
> >>
> >> I was wondering if there was any better way to do that.
> >
> > Another way to do it is to listen to subtree mutations from the
> documentElement,
> > and then check if the targeted node is part of the removeNodes list.
> You also would have to check if any of the the node's ancestors is
> part of the removeNodes list.
> > Would that deteriorate the performance?
> That is obviously more work that has to be done both by the platform
> and by the webpage, so yes, it's worse performance. How much work I
> couldn't say offhand.
> It would be worth bringing this use-case to the webapps WG where
> MutationObservers are defined. Especially getting notifications when a
> node is moved in and out of a document seems like it would be worth
> having explicit notifications about.
> / Jonas
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