Sorry to bring back an old thread, but the upcoming "Test the web forward" meeting reminded me of this thread.
In general I really approve of this idea, however I have one major concern. > 2) Write an introduction to testharness.js targeted at people familiar > with mochitest. testharness.js is the de facto standard testing > harness in the web standards world, and we already can run such tests > as mochitests automatically (see dom/imptests/), so JavaScript tests > meant to be usable by other browsers should be written in that format. As others have pointed out, the testharness.js test suite is much less convenient to use than mochitest. Simply wrapping test(function() { // test here }) only works for the most simple tests. Most tests that I write use lots of synchronous and asynchronous callbacks. Each one of those needs to be wrapped to catch exceptions. There's also a lot more overhead in the harness due to trying to count how much of a test you pass. In general, testharness.js seems to be more optimized for producing a result report which measure how close an implementation is to implementing a feature, than it is optimized for making it easy to write tests. I believe many developers right now end up spending as much time writing tests as they do implementing features. That is a very high cost, but something that is definitely worth it. However we should be working towards lowering that cost rather than increasing it. Rather than trying to convince developers that testharness.js would in fact not increase the cost of writing tests, I think we should try to get W3C to adjust testharness.js such that it's easier to write tests for it. If we make it as easy to write W3C tests as it is to write mochitests then I would absolutely agree with your proposal. I would imagine that would also make it easier to get other browser vendors to do the same, as well as members of the webdevelopment community. Another problem that I think we'd have is that many of our tests use generators and yield. This *dramatically* cuts down on the complexity of writing complex tests which has lots of asynchronous callbacks. For example [1][2] would have been much harder to write without them. I think our approach here could be migrate these tests to use ES6 based generators as soon as we have them implemented in gecko, and then submit them to W3C as soon as enough browsers implement ES6. I don't think that we should be telling people to not use generators in the meantime. My experience is that rewriting tests to use generators both cuts down on the test writing time, and makes it much less likely that the test ends up with intermittent orange bugs. [1] [2] / Jonas _______________________________________________ dev-platform mailing list