On Sat, Sep 29, 2012 at 10:53:36AM -0400, Chris AtLee wrote:
> On 28/09/12 09:28 PM, Boris Zbarsky wrote:
> >On 9/28/12 8:32 PM, Chris Pearce wrote:
> >>This is indeed unfortunate. However I'd prefer to add more capacity to
> >>our test infrastructure, rather than discourage developers from properly
> >>testing before landing.
> >
> >I think the concern is the definition of "properly".
> >
> >>If Try is hogging resources needed by Inbound, we should lower the
> >>priority of Try.
> >
> >Try is hogging resources needed by _Try_.  The last try push I did,
> >asking for one test on one platform, waited for over a day before the
> >test even started running.
> This is why we've been pushing hard on turning off tests that are
> perma-red/orange. The test machines are shared between all branches.
> If you reduce the test load from inbound and other branches, then
> more capacity is available for try. This effort has made some
> progress. In August 1,410 XP test jobs on try waited longer than 24
> hours to start. In September (so far!) 0 jobs have waited longer
> than 24 hours.
> In a world of infinite compute resources, we should run all the
> tests. In our world of finite resources, we have to make sure we're
> getting good information for the tests we run.
> One proposal that's been made elsewhere
> (https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=791385) is to have a
> soft limit of one active push per developer on try. If you try and
> push a 2nd time before your previous jobs are all finished, you will
> be asked to cancel your previous jobs. There would be some kind of
> manual override that would allow you to push additional patches.
> Take a look at http://people.mozilla.org/~catlee/try_pushers.html.
> This is a report of people who pushed to try within 60 minutes of
> their previous push since September 1. In some cases patches are
> clearly unrelated, and in other cases people have cancelled their
> previous job (woohoo!). There are many other cases where it appears
> that people are pushing very similar code to try without having
> cancelled their previous jobs.

And most often (at least when i do), it's for a reason.

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