
I am curious if XUL Runner has an End-Of-Life policy?
Or is it intimately connected with Firefox, i.e. as long as there is Firefox 
releases based on XUL there will be XUL Runner available too?

The reason I ask if because I am trying to "standardize" it within my 
organization for the next 5-10 years.

Thank you.

DISCLAIMER: I could be incorrect, as I am answering as a community member based on my understandings, (Official people involved can correct me).

XULRunner is currently an unsupported piece of software, we don't run tests for it, and we *barely* ensure it still builds.

The largest reason we still build it is for the benefit of an SDK to build binary components for Firefox against.

The ideal for moving forward in a supported way is to write a "WebRT" application that takes advantage of HTML/HTML5/Web-Technologies for your system.

~Justin Wood (Callek)
dev-platform mailing list

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