On 8/14/12 12:14 PM, Ed Morley wrote:
On Thursday, 9 August 2012 15:35:28 UTC+1, Justin Lebar wrote:
Is there a plan to mitigate the coalescing on m-i? It seems like that
is a big part of the problem.
Reducing the amount of coalescing permitted would just mean we end up with a
backlog of pending tests on the repo tip - which would result in tree closures
regardless. So other than bug 690672 making sheriffs' lives easier, we just
need more machines in the test pool - since it's simply a case of demand
exceeding capacity.
The situation is made worse now that we're adding new platforms (OS X 10.7, B2G
GB, B2G ICS, Android Armv6, soon OS X 10.8, Win8 desktop, Win8 metro) faster
than we're EOLing them - and we're pushing more changes per day than ever
before [1]. From what I understand, Apple's aggressive hardware cycle is also
making it difficult to expand the test pool [2].
Is there a tracking bug for areas where we could gain efficiency? We all
know the build phase is full of clownshoes. But, I believe we also do
silly things like execute some tests serially, only taking advantage of
1/N CPU cores in the process. This is just wasting resources. See [1]
for a concrete example.
Do we have data on the actual hardware load for the test runners? If we
are throwing away significant CPU cycles, etc, we could probably
alleviate a lot of the problems just with software changes.
[1] https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=686240
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