> In addition, please bear in mind that landing bustage on trunk trees actually
> makes the Try wait times worse (since the trunk backouts/retriggers take test
> job priority over Try) - leading to others not bothering to use Try either, 
> and so
> the situation cascades.

I thought tryserver used a different pool of machines isolated from
all the other trees, because we treated the tryserver machines as
pwned.  Is that not or no longer the case?

> Increasingly over the last few weeks, people have been landing untested
> changes on mozilla-inbound that has resulted in bustage - which with high
> levels of coalescing (that makes finding the culprit require multiple
> time-consuming re-triggers)

Is there a plan to mitigate the coalescing on m-i?  It seems like that
is a big part of the problem.

On Thu, Aug 9, 2012 at 10:19 AM, Ed Morley
<bmo.takethis...@edmorley.co.uk> wrote:
> Increasingly over the last few weeks, people have been landing untested 
> changes on mozilla-inbound that has resulted in bustage - which with high 
> levels of coalescing (that makes finding the culprit require multiple 
> time-consuming re-triggers) has meant closing the tree for several hours.
> For example - last night the tree was closed for a total of roughly 6 hours 
> whilst 7 backouts were performed. This makes three days in a row where the 
> tree has had to be closed during peak times.
> This is neither fair on other developers (who are understandably frustrated 
> when the tree is closed day after day), nor on the sheriffs (whom at that 
> time of day are only volunteers).
> As such, I would like to request that people adjust their risk thresholds for 
> when to use Try - so we can minimise the impact on the tree.
> I realise that Try Server end-to-end times have been less than ideal 
> recently, so using try can be frustrating - however the situation is slowing 
> improving (tegra reboot issues fixed, pymake for windows almost ready, 
> see[/ping] bug 772458 for more). In addition, please bear in mind that 
> landing bustage on trunk trees actually makes the Try wait times worse (since 
> the trunk backouts/retriggers take test job priority over Try) - leading to 
> others not bothering to use Try either, and so the situation cascades.
> A quick reminder: If your patch(es) have been sent to try, please add the URL 
> to the bug, so in the case of bustage, it's easier for the sheriffs to 
> eliminate your push as the cause.
> Finally, the list of steps to perform after pushing to inbound has recently 
> been simplified (thanks to the new merge tool we use) - please take a look if 
> you haven't in the last 4-6 weeks:
> https://wiki.mozilla.org/Tree_Rules/Inbound#Please_do_the_following_after_pushing_to_inbound
> Best wishes,
> Ed
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