The branch main has been updated by mckusick:


commit 36e08b0127f97928a2f2c062feed8df9087b2b35
Author:     Kirk McKusick <>
AuthorDate: 2022-07-21 05:51:15 +0000
Commit:     Kirk McKusick <>
CommitDate: 2022-07-21 05:52:11 +0000

    Bug fix to UFS/FFS superblock integrity checks when reading a superblock.
    A better fix to commit 9e1f44d044a. Rather than coping with the case
    where a backup superblock is used, catch the case when the superblock
    is being read in and ensure that the standard one is used rather than
    the backup one.
 sys/ufs/ffs/ffs_subr.c | 25 +++++++++++--------------
 1 file changed, 11 insertions(+), 14 deletions(-)

diff --git a/sys/ufs/ffs/ffs_subr.c b/sys/ufs/ffs/ffs_subr.c
index 21daa44de4d8..1df3f878c4eb 100644
--- a/sys/ufs/ffs/ffs_subr.c
+++ b/sys/ufs/ffs/ffs_subr.c
@@ -256,6 +256,16 @@ readsuper(void *devfd, struct fs **fsp, off_t sblockloc, 
int isaltsblk,
        fs = *fsp;
        if (fs->fs_magic == FS_BAD_MAGIC)
                return (EINVAL);
+       /*
+        * For UFS1 with a 65536 block size, the first backup superblock
+        * is at the same location as the UFS2 superblock. Since SBLOCK_UFS2
+        * is the first location checked, the first backup is the superblock
+        * that will be accessed. Here we fail the lookup so that we can
+        * retry with the correct location for the UFS1 superblock.
+        */
+       if (fs->fs_magic == FS_UFS1_MAGIC && !isaltsblk &&
+           fs->fs_bsize == SBLOCK_UFS2 && sblockloc == SBLOCK_UFS2)
+               return (ENOENT);
        if ((error = validate_sblock(fs, isaltsblk)) != 0)
                return (error);
@@ -349,20 +359,7 @@ validate_sblock(struct fs *fs, int isaltsblk)
        } else if (fs->fs_magic == FS_UFS1_MAGIC) {
                if (!isaltsblk) {
                        CHK(fs->fs_sblockloc, >, SBLOCK_UFS1, %jd);
-                       /*
-                        * For UFS1 the with a 65536 block size, the first
-                        * backup superblock is at the same location as the
-                        * UFS2 superblock. Since SBLOCK_UFS2 is the first
-                        * location checked, the first backup is the
-                        * superblock that will be accessed.
-                        */
-                       if (fs->fs_bsize == SBLOCK_UFS2) {
-                               CHK(fs->fs_sblockactualloc, >, SBLOCK_UFS2,
-                                   %jd);
-                       } else {
-                               CHK2(fs->fs_sblockactualloc, !=, SBLOCK_UFS1,
-                                   fs->fs_sblockactualloc, !=, 0, %jd);
-                       }
+                       CHK(fs->fs_sblockactualloc, >, SBLOCK_UFS1, %jd);
                CHK(fs->fs_nindir, !=, fs->fs_bsize / sizeof(ufs1_daddr_t),

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