The branch main has been updated by mckusick:


commit f030f1102c62d3de498cf2b5f0ce8d3582182923
Author:     Kirk McKusick <>
AuthorDate: 2022-07-21 05:45:18 +0000
Commit:     Kirk McKusick <>
CommitDate: 2022-07-21 05:52:10 +0000

    Delete UFS2 backup superblock recovery info when building a UFS1 filesystem.
    Only the UFS2 filesystem has support for storing information needed
    to find alternate superblocks. If that information is inadvertently
    left in place when building a UFS1 filesystem, fsck_ffs may stumble
    across it and attempt to use it to recover the UFS1 filesystem
    which can only end poorly.
 sbin/newfs/mkfs.c | 23 +++++++++++++----------
 1 file changed, 13 insertions(+), 10 deletions(-)

diff --git a/sbin/newfs/mkfs.c b/sbin/newfs/mkfs.c
index a6c4ee60c2d5..48091d7882d0 100644
--- a/sbin/newfs/mkfs.c
+++ b/sbin/newfs/mkfs.c
@@ -636,23 +636,26 @@ restart:
         * Read the last sector of the boot block, replace the last
         * 20 bytes with the recovery information, then write it back.
         * The recovery information only works for UFS2 filesystems.
+        * For UFS1, zero out the area to ensure that an old UFS2
+        * recovery block is not accidentally found.
-       if (sblock.fs_magic == FS_UFS2_MAGIC) {
-               if ((fsrbuf = malloc(realsectorsize)) == NULL || bread(&disk,
-                   part_ofs + (SBLOCK_UFS2 - realsectorsize) / disk.d_bsize,
-                   fsrbuf, realsectorsize) == -1)
-                       err(1, "can't read recovery area: %s", disk.d_error);
-               fsr =
-                   (struct fsrecovery *)&fsrbuf[realsectorsize - sizeof *fsr];
+       if ((fsrbuf = malloc(realsectorsize)) == NULL || bread(&disk,
+           part_ofs + (SBLOCK_UFS2 - realsectorsize) / disk.d_bsize,
+           fsrbuf, realsectorsize) == -1)
+               err(1, "can't read recovery area: %s", disk.d_error);
+       fsr = (struct fsrecovery *)&fsrbuf[realsectorsize - sizeof *fsr];
+       if (sblock.fs_magic != FS_UFS2_MAGIC) {
+               memset(fsr, 0, sizeof *fsr);
+       } else {
                fsr->fsr_magic = sblock.fs_magic;
                fsr->fsr_fpg = sblock.fs_fpg;
                fsr->fsr_fsbtodb = sblock.fs_fsbtodb;
                fsr->fsr_sblkno = sblock.fs_sblkno;
                fsr->fsr_ncg = sblock.fs_ncg;
-               wtfs((SBLOCK_UFS2 - realsectorsize) / disk.d_bsize,
-                   realsectorsize, fsrbuf);
-               free(fsrbuf);
+       wtfs((SBLOCK_UFS2 - realsectorsize) / disk.d_bsize,
+           realsectorsize, fsrbuf);
+       free(fsrbuf);
         * Update information about this partition in pack
         * label, to that it may be updated on disk.

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