Le mardi 17 juin 2008 01:04:13 Mattia Dongili, vous avez écrit :
> I'm not sure how the autoconfig work in recent xorgs but since the
> synaptics driver is an out of tree driver I suspect xorg simply doesn't
> know about it.
> Can you provide your xorg log along with this bug report?

I can. But as I described in the bugreport, synaptics is simply not loaded.

> > (...)
> exactly, vertical and horizontal scrolling are enabled by default *iff*
> the driver is uset for the touchpad. What I would expect from your log
> is that the synaptics driver is not being used at all.
> thanks

That's what I saw too. Look there:


"synaptics" is _not_ loaded by default in "xorg.conf-less" and "generated 
xorg.conf" situations. The simple add of a section as the one described in 
#10 above resolves it all.


Didier Raboud, proud Debian user.
CH-1802 Corseaux

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