forwarded 449238
thank you

Harri Pitkänen wrote:
> On Sunday 04 November 2007, Brice Goglin wrote:
>> Thanks for the debugging backtrace. It would be even better if you enter
>> 'bt full' instead of 'bt' in gdb.
>> But I can't reproduce this crash. Can you reproduce with a stable KDE
>> release or with another window manager?
> No, this does not occur with stable release of KDE or Gnome (as shipped in
> Debian). The last output from KDE4 startup scripts before the Xephyr crash
> are
> kdeinit4: Got EXEC_NEW 'kwin' from launcher.
> kdeinit4: preparing to launch /home/kde/kde/bin/kwin
> klauncher(3750)/kio (KLauncher) KLauncher::processRequestReturn: "kwin" (pid 
> 3764) up and running.
> kwin(3764) KWin::Extensions::init: Extensions: shape: 0x "11"  composite: 0x 
> "4"  render: 0x "a"  fixes: 0x "40"
> kwin(3764) KWin::CompositingPrefs::detect: glx version is  1 . 2
> so this might be related to some new compositing stuff in KDE4.

Very likely yes, Xephyr probably does not support all Compositing stuff yet.

> And here is the output from "bt full":


I have forwarded the bug at the URL above. Feel free to add any comment
there if you think it could help.


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