On Sunday 04 November 2007, Brice Goglin wrote:
> Thanks for the debugging backtrace. It would be even better if you enter
> 'bt full' instead of 'bt' in gdb.
> But I can't reproduce this crash. Can you reproduce with a stable KDE
> release or with another window manager?

No, this does not occur with stable release of KDE or Gnome (as shipped in
Debian). The last output from KDE4 startup scripts before the Xephyr crash

kdeinit4: Got EXEC_NEW 'kwin' from launcher.
kdeinit4: preparing to launch /home/kde/kde/bin/kwin
klauncher(3750)/kio (KLauncher) KLauncher::processRequestReturn: "kwin" (pid 
3764) up and running.
kwin(3764) KWin::Extensions::init: Extensions: shape: 0x "11"  composite: 0x 
"4"  render: 0x "a"  fixes: 0x "40"
kwin(3764) KWin::CompositingPrefs::detect: glx version is  1 . 2

so this might be related to some new compositing stuff in KDE4.

And here is the output from "bt full":

(gdb) bt full
#0  0x000000000053080d in find_mesa_visual (screen=0xbd82e0, vid=58) at 
        mesaScreen = (__GLXMESAscreen *) 0xbd82e0
        modes = (const __GLcontextModes *) 0xd907f0
        i = 0
#1  0x000000000053066a in __glXMesaScreenCreateContext (screen=0xbd82e0, 
modes=0xd907f0, baseShareContext=0x0) at ../../../GL/glx/glxglcore.c:237
        context = (__GLXMESAcontext *) 0xda0350
        shareContext = (__GLXMESAcontext *) 0x0
        xm_vis = (XMesaVisual) 0x3a00000000
        xm_share = (XMesaContext) 0xd907f0
#2  0x000000000054f883 in DoCreateContext (cl=0xd90730, gcId=12582918, 
shareList=0, visual=58, screen=0, isDirect=0 '\0') at 
        client = (ClientPtr) 0xd92870
        pVisual = (VisualPtr) 0xbed018
        pScreen = (ScreenPtr) 0xd59f90
        glxc = (__GLXcontext *) 0x8a4f60
        shareglxc = (__GLXcontext *) 0x0
        modes = (__GLcontextModes *) 0xd907f0
        pGlxScreen = (__GLXscreen *) 0xbd82e0
        i = 1
#3  0x000000000054f9c4 in __glXDisp_CreateContext (cl=0xd90730, pc=0xd9ff70 
"\225\003\006") at ../../../GL/glx/glxcmds.c:249
        req = (xGLXCreateContextReq *) 0xd9ff70
#4  0x0000000000530276 in __glXDispatch (client=0xd92870) at 
        rendering = 0 '\0'
        stuff = (xGLXSingleReq *) 0xd9ff70
        opcode = 3 '\003'
        proc = (__GLXdispatchSingleProcPtr) 0x54f96d <__glXDisp_CreateContext>
        cl = (__GLXclientState *) 0xd90730
        retval = 0
#5  0x00000000004fabf5 in XaceCatchExtProc (client=0xd92870) at 
        stuff = (xReq *) 0x0
        major = 149
        ext = (ExtensionEntry *) 0xbf21c0
#6  0x000000000046600f in Dispatch () at ../../dix/dispatch.c:502
        clientReady = (int *) 0x7fff4168a710
        result = 24
        client = (ClientPtr) 0xd92870
        nready = 0
        icheck = (HWEventQueuePtr *) 0xbc1df0
        start_tick = 2140
#7  0x000000000044a09f in main (argc=2, argv=0x7fff4168aca8, 
envp=0x7fff4168acc0) at ../../dix/main.c:452
        i = 1
        j = 2
        k = 2
        error = 1768139776
        xauthfile = 0x0
        alwaysCheckForInput = {0, 1}

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