On Mon, Jun 25, 2007 at 03:17:50PM +0200, Vincent Lefevre wrote:
> On 2007-06-25 08:56:34 -0400, Thomas Dickey wrote:
> > xterm marks wrapped lines as it sees text being written across the right
> > margin, and those marks tell it how long a line really is.  Clearing the
> > screen is supposed to remove the marks, scrolling shifts-in unmarked
> > lines, etc.  I haven't made any recent changes that I would suspect
> > alter that behavior (though ongoing unrelated fixes can break things).
> I haven't tried with older versions, but the bug may be old.

that happens...
> > From the information I have, it's not unlikely that the behavior could
> > be reproduced by replaying a typescript from 'script'.  Is it possible
> > that you could provide a typescript for a session where the bug appears?
> Would ttyrec be OK? I only have my laptop here and "script" isn't
> installed.

That sounds ok (google suggests it's a form of 'script').

Thomas E. Dickey

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