On Wed, Jun 27, 2007 at 08:48:01AM +0200, Vincent Lefevre wrote:
> On 2007-06-26 19:32:22 -0400, Thomas Dickey wrote:
> > hmm.  Going back through the thread, it seems you're talking about selecting
> > text while it's moving.
> Yes.
> > Outside of that - I'm not seeing any instance where it selects past the
> > current line.  From your report, I cannot tell if there's a particular
> > place on the screen where problem occurs.  For instance, selecting near
> > the bottom, or close to one side might be relevant.
> I was triple-clicking near the center of the window. But perhaps you
> should let the mouse button pressed longer and move the mouse pointer
> upward/downward.

That would be the "same" as the case I was talking about.  xterm apparently
allows one to multi-click and extend selection at the same "time", since it
is handling events.  (I don't know if it would be hard to change that).

But it does not correspond to the symptom that you were describing, i.e.,
selecting from the current point to the bottom of the screen.  Extending
the selection should make the selection (triple-clicking, etc), apply
to no lines past the cursor click.

Given that, I've been looking for some case where there's an error in
the indices used to point into the screen, e.g., a -1 that's sign-extended,
causing it to use a much larger size than expected.

Thomas E. Dickey

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