ti, 2006-02-14 kello 23:14 +0700, Eugene Konev kirjoitti:
> 1. The correct way to use gpm with X server with /dev/input/mice in
>    linux 2.6 is _not_ use gpm repeater, as kernel driver is perfectly
>    capable to multiplex events itself.

Wrong.  Using GPM with X precisely implies using the repeater.

> 2. This bug seems to be specific to ppc (endianness?) architecture, as I
>    cannot reproduce it on x86 with any of the configs provided in the
>    bug log. 

That could be.

>    I can suggest rebuilding xorg with *DEBUG* options #define'd in 
>    xc/programs/Xserver/hw/xfree86/input/mouse/mouse.c and providing
>    resulting debug logs (and logs from gpm with verbosity increased) to
>    the bug log.

Unfortunately, I do not have the disk space or CPU resources to do that.
Perhaps the submitter does?

Ben: would you know why this only seems to affect PowerMac users?

Martin-Éric Racine

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