El Lunes, 1 de Agosto de 2005 20:04, Paolo Pantaleo escribió:
> > > Now on my Debian stable it is not working, i installae it few days
> > > ago, th problem is present only in X server (XFree86 obviusly). My
> > > XF86Config-4 file contains this:
> Here it is
> Xorg log file is newer, i sugget you to look at it.

        Hello, Paolo. You CANNOT be in stable. You are using X.Org packages, 
live not in stable, not in testing, but in unstable, so the XF86Config-4 file 
does *not* apply to your configuration, but instead /etc/X11/xorg.conf. And 
several other things. XFree86 and X.Org are not the same thing.

        Please do not mix things, because this is already messy at this point. 
you please run exactly:

# ls /usr/share/bug/xserver-*
# /usr/share/bug/xserver-*/script 3>&1

and send us both outputs?

        Thank you, and best regards,

Network engineer
Debian Developer

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