2005/8/1, Paolo Pantaleo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: > In italian keyboard layout to generate @ and some other chars you need to use > ALT GR + some other key. > > Now on my Debian stable it is not working, i installae it few days > ago, th problem is present only in X server (XFree86 obviusly). My > XF86Config-4 file contains this: > > Section "InputDevice" > Identifier "Generic Keyboard" > Driver "keyboard" > Option "CoreKeyboard" > Option "XkbRules" "xfree86" > Option "XkbModel" "pc105" > Option "XkbLayout" "it" > Option "XkbVariant" "it" > EndSection > > I looked a bit around and this doesn't seem to be for my mistake. Is > it rather a bug of X system? > > > Thnx > Paolo Pantaleo >
I think that could be interestring to know (at least I do not know that) if this ALT GR is a my own problem or is a problem on all italian / non us keyboards. If it is a particular problem of my configuration, well maybe it is not so important Anyway, since now there is the risk that i really messed up things, i will go back to stable installation, and i hoep i will have the same problem :) PAolo