retitle 257515 xserver-xfree86: [debconf] keyboard layout template should tell U.K. users to use 'gb' reassign 257515 xserver-xfree86 severity 257515 normal tag 257515 - moreinfo clone 257515 -1 retitle -1 xserver-xfree86: X server should popen() xkbcomp so that its error messages are logged severity -1 wishlist tag -1 + upstream thanks
On Mon, Aug 02, 2004 at 08:55:57PM +0100, Jon Dowland wrote: > I performed the same set of tests as for the previous version and I have come > up with the following results with dfsg.1-6: > > model layout result > ---------------------- > pc10104 ukgb e/c work; pound-sterling sign doesn't; errors to output > pc104 ukgb e/c work; pound-sterling sign doesn't; errors to output > pc104 uk e/c work; pound-sterling sign doesn't; errors to output > pc104 gb works > > Please note that the pound-sterling problem may be more complex than the > key problems I suffered in the original bug posting: I frequently have > problems with this symbol anyway, as a consequence of locales, UTF-8 etc. For > now I would like to disregard this :) > > I have made observations with regards the errors reported to output by the X > server in a different email for this bug in an attempt to preserve the flow of > the thread, for those of us reading the report in a threaded mailer. On Mon, Aug 02, 2004 at 09:02:53PM +0100, Jon Dowland wrote: > On Wed, Jul 21, 2004 at 09:46:24PM -0500, Branden Robinson wrote: > > On Mon, Jul 19, 2004 at 04:31:35PM +0100, Jon Dowland wrote: > > > Perhaps the Xserver could provide some kind of alert when an invalid > > > keyboard/keymap is selected; > >· > > It generally does; both to its logfile in /var/log and to standard error. > >· > > If you mean it should draw its own dialog box on the screen even without > > benefit of an installed widget library, I daresay that's unlikely to happen > > anytime soon. >· > No - I meant to the logfile and to standard error. >· > With dfsg.1-6 I notice the following printed to standard error, but /not/ the > logfile when using an invalid layout (indentation mine): >· > The XKEYBOARD keymap compiler (xkbcomp) reports: > > Error: Can't find file "pc/uk" for symbols include > > Exiting > > Abandoning symbols file "default" > Errors from xkbcomp are not fatal to the X server >· > > Do you regard this bug as resolved? >· > I think it would be a good idea for the above output to be provided to the· > logfile in addition to the standard error and ideally also marked with (WW) > or (EE) so that grepping the log file for problems turns it up.· >· > What do you think of this suggestion? Thanks for following up! I am re-purposing this bug as a documentation issue. I am also cloning the bug for the separate problem of xkbcomp's error output not being reported as well as it should. Unfortunately, I do not expect *that* issue to be resolved in time for sarge's release. -- G. Branden Robinson | Lowery's Law: Debian GNU/Linux | If it jams -- force it. If it [EMAIL PROTECTED] | breaks, it needed replacing anyway. |
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